When creating eco and wellness new builds Feng Shui can make a pronounced positive difference to how the space is set up and how the energy flows. We will help you from the outset if you would like us to - from Feng Shui plot selection to optimising the piece of land you already own or inherited.
Using our Feng Shui experience we will help you create a design legacy with Feng Shui – helping to design eco and wellness new builds that are in harmony with the chi for decades to come and which will support the families or individuals living there for years and years.
Sarah has helped dozens of families create beautiful sustainably designed eco-homes that are healthy, vibrant and energetically aligned - once you visit, you seriously don't want to leave them! That's how great they feel to be in!
Sarah served for three years (2018-2021) on the Global Wellness Institute's
highly respected Wellness Architecture Initiative
and is highly knowledgeable about the intricacies of creating true wellness environments. Such is the power of classical Feng Shui and its immense value in wellness spaces, Sarah believes no healing spa or healing hotel can authentically claim to be healing if it has not incorporated Feng Shui.
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Space is powerful thing and when spaces are well-designed they can be therapeutic and good for the soul.
Let us help you create your healing sanctuary with our eco and wellness new builds Feng Shui.
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