Personally crafted (no automation) 12 - 18 page in-depth jargon-free 'Ba Zi' Chinese Horoscope report providing key insights into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, health, career, money and relationships. Provides a detailed 5 year Chinese Astrology forecast, general 5-15 year forecast and practical ways to use the knowledge via supportive colours, climates, directions, careers and much much more. If you need more detail read my page on Chinese Astrology readings here
“I had the Chinese Horoscope done for myself and fiancee and it was truly remarkable. It was insightful, specific and very accurate. It pinpointed our personalities and indicated the best time for making big life decisions. Having been told by Harley Street experts that we could not have children, we followed the advice about timing and are now proud parents to two healthy children. Highly recommended!”