While I far prefer to visit the site physically to sense the chi, there are many times when a remote feng shui assessment can still be very helpful. If you already have planning permission or have to work within certain guidelines and orientations for example, then I can help you work within those parameters. Most architects can also work to a specific orientation angle for the 'back' of a home when constructing it, and I can also help you with the interiors and the project timing from anywhere in the world.
Prices for this virtual Feng Shui new build consultation vary according to the size and location of the property. Starting from £3000. Please contact us to discuss further in order to have a quote prepared. If you want me to help you plan an entire commercial development or an entire city according to feng shui principles please get in touch to discuss.
If you prefer an onsite visit then I am always happy to travel throughout UK and overseas - pls contact us to discuss further.