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Creating A Spiritual Connection with Feng Shui

Sarah Mcallister • September 23, 2024

As above, so below...

I love my big red feng shui compass, and my Chinese almanac, calendars and reference charts as they give me a deep and accurate methodology to create energy strategies at a home or a business for the benefit of my clients. Whether they need better sleep, reduced arguments, increased profits or sales, or simply want to build the best home, spa, office or factory from scratch my fengshui method applies specific tactics for specific outcomes... A good metaphor for my work is like an electrician connecting wires throughout the property to electricity, but I connect specific points to earthly and cosmic energy.

For all the techniques, there is also a deeply spiritual side which I also harness within my work, and you can too. While it is always advisable to hire in a professional, as we can see your blind spots and help you without being too caught up in it all, you can certainly give yourself some good spiritual juju with some of the following ideas and tips:

Connect to the Buddha - the stillness of the Buddha is so helpful for calming the mind. We will never stop internal chatter completely, but we CAN let it drift past us without identifying with it. Placing the Buddha in the correct Feng Shui way means putting it higher than the head of the tallest person in the house. It represents spiritual realms above us, so when it is symbolically higher than us, this helps create that sense of reverence. It is a little different in a garden though, as the Buddha is used like an acupuncture needle so needs to be closer to the earth.

Candle light is spiritual 'fire'

A naked flame is very powerful and candles specifically are associated with spiritual intelligence. Their soft light and soft warmth is conducive to the quietude required for spiritual reflection and is also literally 'illuminating'. 

Burning Sage

You can grow your own sage to then dry, or buy from a reputable source, such as a tribal or indigenous source. Sage has cleansing qualities on both a physical and energetic level. I find colours are brighter once I have burned sage, as energy stagnation clears.

Burning Palo Santo

Be careful with the provenance of your purchase. Never buy from cheap sources, but try to find wildcrafted and sustainably harvested sources ideally from a small local business. Palo Santo is wonderful for uplifting your mood and dispelling negativity.

Burning Frankincense

This is usually in a resin format and can be melted to smoking point on a hot charcoal. It is spiritually very protective and cleansing, and smells incredible too.

Fresh Flowers

Pretty fresh flowers are always a joy to have in a home, but do compost them or throw out once they start to visibly fade/brown, as you don't want faded chi in the home. They also bring some welcome life and yang chi into the home for a short amount of time.

Rose oil

The soul speaks through the heart, so if you struggle to hear the whispers of your soul, try burning some rose oil in an oil burner and dabbing some diluted with a carrier oil behind your ears, on your wrists and temples and on your solar plexus and heart area.

Rose Quartz

This pretty pink crystal is very soothing and gathering in its energetic effect and it opens the heart. It is ideal to have in a bedroom on either side of your bed.

Play spiritual music

It's incredible how evocative music can be, particularly the Native American flute. Sound waves shift the energy of a space. There are many spiritual and meditative compilations to choose from nowadays. I still find Jon Huling's albums like Spiritlands so beautifully calming and inspiring.

Tibetan Singing Bowl or Crystal Bowl or Gong

Sound baths are extremely popular now, and I have had my brass Bhutanese singing bowl for probably two decades now. I love it and still enjoy its beautifully clearing and grounding tones.

I hope you have enjoyed these simple ways of using space, scent, sound and symbolism to create a soulful Feng Shui home for your enjoyment and enlightenment.

Sarah x

Contact us if you would like to learn how a high-level Feng Shui consultation can create the life or business shift your soul desires.

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