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Feng Shui and the Nature of Reality

Sarah Mcallister • June 21, 2022

How to access Vibrational and Spiritual Realities with Feng Shui wisdom

Inspired by the incredible light of these past few sunny days and the Summer Solstice, I wanted to explore the role of light, vibration and energy in Feng Shui, enlightenment and beyond!

I used to be a Shiatsu therapist and gave treatments to people in Islington, Stoke Newington and Greenwich and absolutely loved it for a few years until I realised my savings were coming to an end and it was a passion project, rather than a realistic career. That was early on in 2005 when Shiatsu was virtually unheard of... now things are likely very different. Anyhow, why do I share this? Because I used to 'see' in my own luminosity (inner light body awareness) the symptoms and stress points of the person I was treating and hone in on them to rebalance or loosen them up or tonify depletion if necessary.

What is inner luminosity? Well, another example would be circa 1996 driving back from a temp job in Moreton in Marsh, I was on the 'common' and the luminous coloured shape of a small creature came into my third eye beyond the blind corner (not far from Rodborough Fort) and I slowed down wondering if anyone/anything was there - sure enough there was a little calf (in exact proportion to what I had seen in my mind's eye within the general matrix field beyond the car) and had I not slowed down, I would have run over him. Instead, I was so grateful to have missed him or her(!) and as I carefully passed it, I silently asked it to move out of the dangerous road, and went on my way.

We aren't taught any of this type of awareness in school (quite the opposite, mostly) but some of us remained curious and kept seeking for knowledge and experiences and how to return to our natural spiritual self with a sense of connection within a living universe and divine energies of love and compassion.

How does Feng Shui fit in? Well, when we consider that everything around us is fast moving energy and void space, then by definition the vibrational quality of our space will be impacting our own light body and etheric field. It can help to visualise the space around you as energetic 'code' if you like and indeed some people like myself actually 'see' like this with their inner eye. It is known as a type of 'x-ray' vision. Not always but on a good day definitely!

The 'Yuen Hom' Mystery of the Void Feng Shui style refers to the the zero point source energy - or what we now scientifically call plasma field or tachyon particles - the mystery beyond that which quantum physics can measure. What do you want? I can help you set about creating it by tapping into this source potential. Feng Shui is not just about space, though that is the 'popular' interpretation that rather vexes me(!), but about harnessing the latent potential of life-force. The saying 'we create our own luck' is actually very true, but it takes great discipline and a high level of personal honesty to full take on this level of response-ability. If you want to blame Feng Shui or horoscopes for your luck, then you are totally missing the point. Opportunity is literally EVERYWHERE. But what opportunities you attract will also depend on your definition of opportunity.  

I used to call myself "The Dreams Architect" as I instinctively understood the relationship between the built environment, energy and source and loved helping people design their dream home and achieving their dream lifestyle. To go sit in a finished Feng Shui design project and feel the wonderful feng shui chi oozing and radiating in the property is such an incredible pleasure I literally don't want to leave - lol!

So, it isn't just daylight that we want plenty of in a property, it is also undistorted pure cosmic 'light' and a good balance of yin and yang, darkness and light. Having all glass is not encouraged as it is too much light. There need to be some cosy more shaded areas too for a good balance and dynamic flow. Life is movement. Life is flowing. Life can also be messy and the antithesis of Zen!

Anyone can transcend the hubbub of life and possibly become so detached that they are caught in a sort of lifeless trance or worse some sort of Groundhog Day of repetition programming, but we now have an opportunity to ascend, fully conscious in our bodies, fully intimate and integrated with our emotions (the best and the worst of them!) and having a wonderful Feng Shui aligned house helps support our truest nature and vitality and therefore our truest potential and purpose. Everything is interconnected. So, yes, the direction you lay the house foundations or lay your head in at night or sit facing your desk does have a particular resonance which will impact you over time, for better or worse. It is my wish for you that you let me help you turn your built environment into a powerful wellness and spiritual development tool. Get in touch if you would like to discuss a new build or renovation project or you simply need help with your existing house.

Happy Summer Solstice 2022!

Kindest, Sarah x

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