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Feng Shui House in Autumn

Sarah Mcallister • September 23, 2022

Autumn Equinox and the Balance of Yin & Yang for Health and Wellbeing

Early this morning we had the Autumn Equinox in the UK. I love those days recently where you can see the morning sun and the moon at the same time! In the Chinese Calendar we have moved from White Dew into the solar fortnight called Autumn Equinox. In the Chinese calendar Autumn actually began on 7th August 2022.

Autumn is a great time to have a Feng Shui and Chinese Horoscope reading for the coming year, so you can prepare for any changes you need to make in the home and any Jade charm that might suit you can be ordered from our trusted supplier.

Why are there changes in the house each year?

Each year the 'Flying Stars' move through the 8 directions and the centre (totally 9 parts of a building and 9 star numbers) - 2022 has been pretty intense as it was a 5 year with 5 sickness at centre (or power if you can maintain equilibrium) and the 2 sickness star in the Southwest. If Earth is a supportive element for you then this year hasn't been that wonderful OR it has forced you to crack open and look deep inside at old feelings/worries/unsupportive mental chatter etc. to clear it out once and for all.

Around Christmas time I publish the Flying Stars and Annual Forecast for the following year, so look out for how the energies change in 2023.

Not only do the Feng Shui flying stars in the house or office change each year, meaning that the areas of the building most conducive to career progression, wealth, romance, sickness etc. change, but also individuals Chinese Horoscope elements and Kua numbers interact with the type of year. 2023 is a Water Rabbit year, which might be supportive or unsupportive.

Autumn is metal element - out of balance this can be excessive control, contraction, loneliness, dictatorship and authoritarianism. Or at the other end of the spectrum people have no control, no boundaries, are dispersed and lack any structure.

In healthy balance Metal element allows for the natural breath in and breath out, both physically and metaphysically. As we breathe in we are bringing new energy and new structure into our being and as we breathe out we are exhaling wastes and letting go of old energy. Autumn is a very good time to do a cleanse and also have acupuncture to prepare the body for being strong over the winter period.

Autumn Feng Shui for the house:

It is nice to swap 'summer' accessories for winter ones - like swapping out lighter weight summer curtains in the living room for say thicker cotton velvet ones that retain the heat in the home better and just have a warmer feeling to them to chime with the change to light cardigans and sweaters that start to work their way into our wardrobe at this time of year.

Autumn Clean!

It isn't just Spring that is a good time to have a thorough clean - Autumn energy is all about clearing out the old, so we can make way for the new to incubate over winter and birth in Spring and mature in Summer.

Winter or Summer bedroom?

Depending on the size of the home, you might find you have a summer bedroom and a winter bedroom, a bit like having a summer and winter palace!

Autumn Colours

Just because we are in Autumn doesn't mean you need to decorate in those colours as the colour palette in the home is determined primarily by the Feng Shui directions and Flying Star calculations and sometimes also the unique Chinese Astrology of the person/s living there, if they also compliment the flying star Feng Shui readings.

Autumn Foods

As the temperature cools and there is more damp in the air we can build up mucus in our body, so using pungent foods like onion, garlic, ginger and horseradish will help resolve the damp and expel the mucus. The Chinese horoscopes I prepare for people give interesting insights into the different elements of particular foods and how they might support your unique energy.

Pungent scents

Autumn is metal element which is associated with pungent smells so you might bring in a few pungent oils into the fragrance oils you burn or the incense you use. Ginger, cardamom, clove, cinnamon and atlas Cedarwood are all warming and are commonly used at halloween and in pumpkin spice blends for example. It is lovely to mark the seasons with different scents as you can not only align to the unique energy of nature, but also our olfactory senses are very powerfully connected to memory. Making wonderful memories is easier when there are distinctive scents. 

Mostly, Autumn is a time to have the following year's (2023) Feng Shui chart done so you can prepare for any changes/cures that are specific to your home or office for the coming year.

For those who need Metal element in their Chinese Horoscope you will find you get a burst of energy in August and September (both are metal element months) and for those who need to reduce/avoid the amount of metal in their charts they might feel frustrated at this time.

When you know your unique Chinese Astrology elements (water, wood, fire, earth or metal), I can help you take actions to reduce unwanted elements while boosting the helpful elements.

At the end of the day, all this knowledge of Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology is meant to help you find greater flow and to reduce or evade the negative energies and build upon the positive chi so you can gain forward momentum.

There is a LOT more to it than this brief article, obviously, and I have been known to totally reverse negative spirals in the lives of those that seek my aid. So if you would like to know more about how this precious body of knowledge and my unique approach can help you, do Contact Us to apply for a complimentary Discovery Call. 


Sarah x

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